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Pay Per Click in Google Adwords

Case Study 
Pools Manufacturer

[device type="macbook"]Google Adwords Report for Pool Manufacturer[/device]
Project Background
Pools manufacturers run a successful offline marketing campaign in Western Australia, but with traditional advertising methods — radio, direct mail, TV commercial, and EDDM it’s extremely difficult to determine ROI. Pool company wanted to access the online market with a new Google AdWords strategy with highly targeted ads. Our team approached fiberglass manufacturer to help them build their brand and online presence through pay-per-click advertising.


Industry: Pools & Spa
Date: June 1, 2017 – Today
Service Provided: Google Adwords

Company use only the highest grades of vinyl ester resins and fiberglass products available in the manufacture of pools which gives the confidence in providing clients with a lifetime construction warranty. All of this experience and technology has allowed company to develop a constantly growing export market, both nationally and internationally.

How We Helped

As manufacturer started working with our team, their felt empowered to develop ad content valuable to their online advertising strategy. Without any prior experience in pools industry, our team took control over most powerful marketing channel in google. Using data analyze plus online analytics, we gained insight into prospects’ activities to identify high-quality leads. With new set up we can literally follow visitors from page to page and evaluating the pages they have visited. Our team immediately implemented call and contact form tracking to track the success of campaigns and search terms, and use that search data to optimize campaign performance for future results.

Making our own niche research and in-house analyze, DiscoverMyBusiness identified gaps in a way that, segmented keywords and ad groups allowing visitors to contact with client.


Search Only Campaign


Call Strategy


Display Campaign


Remarketing Campaign

The Results

Since beginning work with Fiberglass Pools Manufacturer, our paid search strategy has seen fantastic progress in desired metrics:

The company steady increase in leads, from 135 conversions to 274, this numbers enabled company to focus attention on developing valuable sales strategy. This led to decreasing in cost-per-click by 36% and increasing in CTR by 44% with click-through rate 3.7%.
  • Increase in Conversions – 106%
  • Increase in Phone Calls – 648%
  • Increase in Clicks – 79%

Client's location

Bayswater, WA 6053

Time limit

10+ Month


Lead Generation

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