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ThoughtMetric Integrations

Unlock the potential of ThoughtMetric integrations. Our seamless integrations can enhance your productivity and efficiency.

ThoughtMetric integrates seamlessly with major e-commerce and marketing platforms, enabling effortless data connection, ad tracking, and performance analysis.

ThoughtMetric Integrations

  • Shopify: Easily sync your Shopify store data to track and attribute sales accurately across all marketing channels.
  • BigCommerce: Connect your BigCommerce store to monitor ad performance and sales attribution seamlessly.
  • Magento: Ensure accurate sales tracking and attribution with ThoughtMetric’s Magento integration.
  • Google Ads: Link your Google Ads account to track and attribute ad clicks and conversions with precision.
  • Google Analytics: Combine ThoughtMetric data with Google Analytics for a holistic view of your e-commerce performance.
  • Adobe Analytics: Integrate with Adobe Analytics to enhance your data analysis and attribution capabilities.
  • Mailchimp: Track the impact of your email marketing campaigns by integrating Mailchimp with ThoughtMetric.
  • Slack: Integrate with Slack to receive real-time notifications and reports on your ad performance and sales attribution.
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Marketing channels can be monitored to see how they perform.

We help e-commerce businesses improve their marketing performance by providing them with the necessary tools and resources to make informed decisions. Through a combination of data, we help them understand their customers’ journey and deliver effective marketing strategies.

Get started with ThoughtMetric

14 day free trial, no credit card required

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Disclosure: We are an independent ThoughtMetric Affiliates, not an employee. We receive referral payments from ThoughtMetric. The opinions expressed here are our own and are not official statements of ThoughtMetric.