Google and Facebook: What Type of Ads Do You Need?


MARCH, 2022

Digital Marketing Services
Digital Marketing for Business
Digital Marketing Agency

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When it comes to digital marketing, paid advertising remains one of the strongholds that marketers and businesses alike live by. Two major platforms for this are Facebook and Google.

Many businesses wonder which one they should put their focus on and whether or not it’s worth investing in both. The fact of the matter is that it’s not really a one-size-fits-all deal. This is why it’s important to know what Facebook Ads and Google Ads can offer and what your business needs.

What Are Facebook Ads?

Facebook Ads have a lot of potential in helping businesses achieve their goals through the power of social media. When you use their ads, you are tapping into Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, and WhatsApp. All of those platforms fall under one umbrella, so it gives you various options for social advertising.

The major benefit to this is that you can use targeting based on user habits and interests. So, you can have more relevant traffic and have your ads run to users when they are more likely to reciprocate. The social media functionality also allows your ads to have a high level of interactivity should users choose to engage.

As for optimization, one of the advantages that Facebook Ads have is that you have a large audience and can focus on highly specific demographics and objectives. This means you have tools at your disposal to tweak your campaign based on whether you want more reach or raise awareness.

The way Facebook Ads are executed is through images, carousel ads, custom lead generation, and video.

What Are Google Ads

If you opt for Google Ads, you will be able to run your ads on Google platforms and YouTube. One of the biggest draws for going this route is how powerful Google is in terms of its search engine. A large majority of internet traffic is directed from this, so it’s great for visibility and establishing credibility.

Google ad campaigns can be run based on location, device, and operating system, so you can be as specific as you want to be. You can also use conversion tracking to adjust your tactics and improve your search engine results ranking. The main goal is really to increase conversions.

You can execute your Google Ads using videos, results on the Google Shopping tab, using local results on Search and Google Maps, popping up on the top of results pages for relevant queries, and visual ads in-app or on sites.

Picking Facebook or Google

There is no real correct answer, as it depends on what your goals are for your campaign. An AdWords consultant can help analyze your performance and help you figure out what will serve your objectives.

Generally, the ideal setup would be to have both Facebook and Google ads with the right strategy for sustainability. This way, you can manage your ads easily and get the benefits of reach, awareness, and conversions. It’s all about optimizing for platforms and business milestones.


There are a lot of factors to consider when it comes to ad campaigns, such as the return on investment, the benefits, and the strategy you need to make use of. With the right AdWords consultant, you can create a campaign that suits your business.

Discover My Business is an online marketing agency that provides PPC and marketing automation services. Call now at (877) 522-7738 to start finding the solutions for your online presence.

Hope this helps. Please let us know if you have any other questions in this regard, we’ll be happy to assist further!

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